Friday, July 12, 2019

AB1OP now has a banner!

July 10th, 2019 - Received my banner ordered from Printastic I designed a 2x4 foot banner using their online design tool. I uploaded two clipart files from my PC and placed them in the design with my text and two clipart files from Printastic image library.
Design was finalized as in the photo.
Banner specifications as ordered:  2x4 foot, 13 weight Vinyl, Hemmed all four sides, Grommets in corners and every two feet. (six total)  Price was $20 USD for one banner and an additional $10 USD for shipping.  Discount for additional quantities available.
Banner arrived rolled in a cardboard box - with no folds or creases. Artwork and text were crisp - no fading or bleeding.
Time will tell how it will hold up to the elements but considering I'll only be using it on Field Day and Portable (FBOTA - Fat Boy On The Air) expeditions it should last me several years.
73 de AB1OP Ralph

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

New 2M Antenna

July 9th, 2019 - New 2 Meter Antenna 

Brought a Firestick 2MCKB a 2 meter 5/8 wave ground plane base station antenna to replace the N9TAX rollup "Slim Jim" I have been using for the last couple years.
Wind damaged one end of a military surplus fiberglass mast sections I was using. That failure caused the rest of the sections to fall down and broke the tail of the PVC "bow" supporting the N9TAX "slim jim".
The N9TAX "Slim Jim" didn't suffer any damage and look good after being outside for a least 2 winters. I 'll keep it for an emergency rapid deployment spare 2M antenna.
I replaced the fiberglass mast with an eight foot section of TV antenna mast I had pulled off the house after cable TV was installed.
Assembly and installation of the Firestick Antenna was straight forward.  My only problem area was applying the water seal "wonder" tape around the PL-259 coax connector followed by over wrapping with electrical tape. The L brackett provided doesn't leave much room.
A quick radio and antenna check with the local repeater some 16-17 miles SE of my QTH resulted in a solid contact at the 10 Watt power setting of the Icom 2300H I am using as a base station.
73 de AB1OP Ralph