Connecting a USB serial Adapter to an Arduino Pro Mini Clone
A Banggood Order arrived with 3 Arduino Pro Mini's, a USB serial adapter and a box of LED's.
Now I have to ask my 2-3 week past self "Why Pro Mini?".
I have a project that uses an embedded Arduino board that is currently sporting one of my Arduino Nano's. Since the sketch would not require frequent revisions, nor would it need PC communications while running, the project could run on the Pro Mini instead. I might save a dollar per board for the three but I spent that on the $3 USB serial adapter I needed to upload to the Pro Mini's. I guess it was just an excuse to play with another Arduino board.
Wiring the USB serial Adapter was another chore in order to successfully download a sketch I had to put a 5th wire from RST pin (USB) to the DTR pin (ProMini). Also to avoid download sync errors I had to connect the RX and TX pins RX to RX and TX to TX instead of RX to TX and TX to RX as I would first assume since for two communication devices it makes sense to go mouth to ear and ear to mouth. Can't argue with success so I'll go with the current cable I made.