Thursday, July 19, 2018

DIY ATtiny Programmer - Uno Shield

While my bench activity has crawled to a standstill due to Summer laziness and  family commitments, I found a cheap and simple project that even my limited junk box could fulfill.
An ATtiny45/85 programmer UNO shield!

On running continuity checks on my programmer, I found a "Murphy's Whisker" between DIP pins 6 & 7. A piece of the old 30AWG wirewrap wire I used for hookup wire got underneath both solder fillets on the right hand header pin row. A little solderwick in between the header pins exposed the little culcript for removal.

On the Video: While waiting for my order of ATtiny modules to arrive, I checked the programmer's on-board LED by jumping DIP pins 3 & 7. Running a modified "Blink" sketch causes the UNO D13 output to go to the Programmer's LED thru the jumper.  A really slow LED Morse code "V" for Victory.

Be Happy and Melt Solder,



Screen shot of the circuit from the ExpressPCB program I use to design PCB for home etching.
I ended up using an Epoxy-glass protoboard and point to point wiring using 30AWG wire.